Family is supposed to be a safe haven, a place where you feel loved, supported, and accepted for who you are. However, sometimes family members can become jealous and envious of each other, causing tension and conflict. If you suspect that you have a jealous family member, it can be challenging to confront the issue. Here are five signs that you might have a jealous family member:
1. They constantly compare themselves to you
Jealous family members may always try to compare themselves to you. They might feel threatened by your accomplishments, talents, or possessions and try to minimize or diminish them. They might say things like, “Well, I could do that too if I had XYZ,” or “That’s not really a big deal, I could have done that too.”
2. They make snide comments or backhanded compliments
Jealous family members may use snide comments or backhanded compliments to undermine your achievements or make you feel bad about yourself. For example, they might say, “Wow, I’m surprised you got that job with your lack of experience,” or “You look great, but I could never pull off that outfit.”
3. They try to sabotage your success
Jealous family members may try to sabotage your success or progress. For example, they might spread rumors about you or your accomplishments, refuse to offer help or support, or intentionally give you bad advice.
4. They become defensive or angry when you succeed
Jealous family members may become defensive or angry when you succeed. They might try to downplay your success or make excuses for why they haven’t achieved similar success. They might also become angry or dismissive when you talk about your accomplishments or progress.
5. They try to control or manipulate you
Jealous family members may try to control or manipulate you to maintain their power or influence over you. For example, they might use guilt, shame, or fear to convince you to do what they want or make you feel bad about your choices.
Dealing with jealous family members can be challenging, but it’s essential to recognize the signs so that you can take steps to protect yourself. It’s important to set boundaries, communicate clearly and assertively, and seek support from other family members or a therapist. Remember, you don’t have to let a jealous family member control or diminish your happiness or success.