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Luck may play a bigger role in success than we think, study say’s

Luck may play a bigger role in success than we think, study say's

A new research says getting lucky in early life can play a major role in shaping long-term success. Researchers at Cornell University’s Department of Neurobiology and Behavior found that chance occurrences in their early lives combined with competitive environments, can set individuals on dramatically different paths, leading some to thrive while others struggle to keep up.

The fascinating study was conducted on 104 baby mice from 16 different litters and was published in the journal Science. Their lives were tracked from infancy to adulthood. They were kept in a large outdoor enclosure that resembled their natural environment.

The study goes into the biological origin of what scientists call the Matthew effect which refers to the concept that “the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.” It suggests that individuals or groups with initial advantages tend to accumulate more benefits over time, while those with disadvantages fall further behind. The term is derived from a biblical passage in the Gospel of Matthew.

While Matthew effect has been documented in human world, interestingly, this study demonstrated how similar patterns emerge in the animal kingdom through basic competitive behaviors.

“Our results suggest that the Matthew effect (i) may have a biological origin, (ii) is especially likely to occur in highly competitive environments or among groups that face high levels of competition, and (iii) may emerge even in the absence of any variation in underlying individual quality or ability,” the paper explains. “In populations of humans and nonhuman animals, the additional amplifying impacts of competition and contingency exist against the backdrop of unequal starting position and likely magnify early inequalities that result from structural or environmental adversity or advantage.”



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